Black color

Although black is not considered in the true sense of the word, a color, for many of us is the choice we prefer in clothing. About the black color can be said to be a chameleonic color, which can take different meanings depending on the context in which we choose to wear it.

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Associated with the macabre universe, the mark of elegance and modesty, black is always controversial, which only makes it more irresistible. O haină de blană naturală poate avea, în mod autentic, nuanțe de gri și negru, lucru valabil și în cazul pielei naturale. Încă unul dintre motivele care plasează negrul pe primul loc drept cea mai aleasă opțiune în materie de vestimentație, indiferent de ocazie. One of the features that motivate the choice of many to wear black is to hide excess kilos. Another important aspect is that black is a pragmatic color: it can be worn without problems in a multitude of combinations and styles. Among the clothing pieces for which black is representative include leather jackets, gloves, wallets, hats or dresses and elegant costumes. Black fur collars can highlight their face, directing their attention to the features of their face.

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